介绍 基于mongoose 7.3版本的源码源码,经过二次封装和修改,接口WHttpServer是源码nask 源码一个高性能的C++开源HTTP服务框架。该框架支持Linux操作系统,接口macOS系统下需要自行适配库,源码opencv sgbm源码分析暂时未验证在Windows系统下的接口web app平台 源码运行情况。用户可以通过查看示例文件(HttpExample.cpp、源码HttpExample.h和main.cpp)来了解如何在普通接口、接口大文件上传、源码大文件下载、接口chunk流文件下载等场景中使用。源码 运行操作系统 WHttpServer适用于Linux操作系统。接口在macOS系统上可以运行,源码代挂appaide源码但需要修改CMakeLists.txt文件以适配openssl库。接口Windows系统理论上可以运行,源码免费头像源码下载但因无测试支持,暂不推荐。 安装教程 将wå£çç¨åºç¾åº¦æåæ°éå¶ï¼è¿æºä»£ç çä¸ä¸ªç±»é½ç²ä¸ä¸ï¼ä¸é¢è¿ä¸ªç±»æ¯åéæ¥æ¶çä¿¡çç±»çä¸é¨åï¼è¿ä¸ªç±»æ»å ±æä¸åäºç¾å¤è¡ï¼æ ¹æ¬ç²ä¸å ¨ï¼ä½ å¯ä»¥åèä¸ä¸ã
çä¿¡ç»ç«¯æä½çå ³é®æ¯çä¿¡çç¼ç å解ç ï¼è±æèµæå¾å¤ï¼ä¸æçåºæ¬æ¾ä¸å°ï¼ä½ å¯ä»¥å¤æ¥äºèµæã
Option Explicit On
Public Class Jwc
Public MSComm1 As New MSCommLib.MSComm
Dim bug As String
Public B_bug As Boolean = False
Public L_com() As String
Public I_P As Integer = 1 '端å£å·
Public S_Set As String = ",n,8,1" 'åå§å符串
Public C_open As Boolean = False
Public ret_l As Double
'__________________çä¿¡å ±ç¨åé_________________
Dim l_msg_c As Integer = 0
Dim l_msg_i As Integer = 0
Dim l_msg_t As Integer = 0
Dim l_msg_x As Integer =
Public ID1 As String 'çä¿¡ç¼å·
Public ID2 As String 'çä¿¡åç±»
Public n1 As Integer 'çä¿¡ä¸å¿å·ç é¿åº¦
Public n2 As Integer '被å«å·ç é¿åº¦
Public n3 As Integer 'ç¨æ·æ°æ®é¿åº¦
Public n4 As Integer 'æ¥æé¿åº¦
Public np1 As String 'çä¿¡ä¸å¿å·ç
Public np2 As String '被å«å·ç
Public da1 As String 'æ¥æ
Public sp1 As String 'ç¨æ·æ°æ®
Public Cont As Integer 'ç信个æ°
Public scod As String 'ç¼ç æ¹å¼
Dim ms(, )
Public s_mg As String
Public m_succ As Boolean 'çä¿¡åéç¶æ
Public cs1 As String = ""
Public cs2 As String = "D"
Public cs3 As String = ""
Public Lms As Integer
Public mg_count As Integer = 0
Public mg_ade() As Integer
Public mg_N As Boolean = False
Dim Pbook(, 2) As String
Public bookcont As Integer
Public Function PhoOpen() As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim coms() As Integer
PhoOpen = False
If C_open Then
PhoOpen = True
Exit Function
End If
For i = 0 To
L_com(i) = ""
j = 0
For i = 1 To
If CheckCom(i) Then
L_com(j) = i
'MsgBox(j & " " & i)
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
For i = 0 To j - 1
n = L_com(i)
'MsgBox(i & " " & n)
I_P = n 'è®°å½å½å端å£å·
If CheckModem(n) Then
PhoOpen = True
C_open = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
Public Function ATcode(ByVal s As String) As String
If Not C_open Then
Call PhoOpen()
If Not C_open Then
'MsgBox("æªåç°è®¾å¤ï¼", vbInformation)
ATcode = "æªåç°è®¾å¤ï¼"
Exit Function
End If
End If
ATcode = ""
MSComm1.Output = s
Dim i As Integer
Dim t As String
Dim Sall As String = ""
For i = 0 To
t = MSComm1.Input
While Len(t) > 0
Sall = Sall & t
t = ""
i = 0
End While
If ATend(Sall) Then
Exit For
End If
If i >= Then
Me.C_open = False
End If
ret_l = Len(Sall)
'If ret_l = 0 Then
' Sall = "è¿æ¥è¶ æ¶ï¼"
'End If
ATcode = Sall
End Function
Public Function ATend(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim t As String = ""
Dim Sall As String = ""
For i = 1 To Len(s)
t = Mid(s, i, 1)
If t <> Chr() And t <> Chr() And t <> Chr() Then
Sall = Sall + t
End If
ATend = False
m_succ = False
If Right(Sall, 1) = ">" Then
ATend = True
m_succ = True
Exit Function
End If
If Right(Sall, 2) = "OK" Then
ATend = True
m_succ = True
Exit Function
End If
If Right(Sall, 5) = "ERROR" Then
ATend = True
Exit Function
End If
If Right(Sall, 7) = "CARRIER" Then
ATend = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function Getmsg(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Integer) As String
Getmsg = ""
Getmsg = ms(i, j)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
Function SMG(ByVal n1 As String, ByVal n2 As String, ByVal s1 As String) As Boolean
Dim l1 As String
Dim l2 As String
Dim l3 As String 'åå è¿å¶é¿åº¦
Dim ln1 As String
Dim ln2 As String
Dim ln3 As String 'åè¿å¶é¿åº¦
Dim t1, t2, t3 As String
Dim mg As String
Dim m() As String
Dim m_l() As String
Dim m_c As Integer
Dim ms1, ms2 As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
t1 = ""
t2 = ""
t3 = ""
ms1 = ""
ms2 = ""
'_________å¤ççä¿¡ä¸å¿å·ç __________
t1 = Trim(n1)
If Left(t1, 1) = "+" Then 'å»æå·ç åé¢ç+å·
t1 = Right(t1, Len(t1) - 1)
End If
ln1 = Len(t1)
If ln1 < Then
l1 = "0" & Hex(Len(t1)) 'è·å¾çä¿¡ä¸å¿å·ç é¿åº¦
l1 = Hex(Len(t1))
End If
t1 = NtoS(n1) '翻转çä¿¡ä¸å¿å·ç
'__________å¤çè系人å·ç ___________
t2 = Trim(n2)
If Len(t2) = Then 'å½å·ç 为ä½æ¶è¡¥è¶³ä½
t2 = "" & t2 'åé¢å
End If
ln2 = Len(t2)
If ln2 < Then
l2 = "0" & Hex(Len(t2)) 'è·å¾è系人å·ç é¿åº¦
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